Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Who are we?
Our family has had an interesting week. We received a call on Saturday, the day before Mother's Day, letting us know that our Grandma had passed during the night. Her pleas to go be with the Lord God were answered. In the days following we all, at some point thought about our Grandma and who she was. Laughing at some of the crazier moments and reflecting some that were more serious. One thing that was made abundantly clear as many of the family members spoke with the pastor yesterday, was that her faith, prayers, and relationship with GOD were a big part of her life. The way people were speaking however, prompted me to begin thinking. With so many saying what an amazing Christian she was, it sounded as though people thought they themselves could never achieve such a close relationship with God. Her devotion to God was inspiring, her love for learning the word was amazing. She gave some good advice at a time when I needed it most. She was tough but fair, God made her that way. God was the author and finisher of her faith, For herself, her husband, her kids, and her legacy. One thing is for sure though, I know I serve the same God she did. I also know that God's word says that he doesn't respect people. {Acts 10:34-38 34 So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, 35 but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him. 36 As for the word that he sent to Israel, preaching good news of peace through Jesus Christ (he is Lord of all), 37 you yourselves know what happened throughout all Judea, beginning from Galilee after the baptism that John proclaimed: 38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.} God uses who he wills for what he wants. We need to remember, if she was so great and wonderfully used by God, we also can be great and wonderfully used by God. Because God is faithful and just her legacy will continue in those that God chooses. We will act out our faith and work through our salvation until we too pass from this world into the hereafter. Not JUST because of Clela M. Clark, but because we serve an amazing God who loved us enough to send his son to die for the remission of our sins.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
What do you believe.
If you've followed this blog for any length of time, you've seen me write about legalism and the pitfalls that it can create. Does this mean you should just throw caution to the wind and do whatever you feel like doing then ask God's forgiveness later? Some would say, "yes". These opinions I hold come from experience and what knowledge I've gained of biblical principles over the years. One major pitfall I've seen in my lifetime is the lack of teaching in the church, and at home. Parents think the little cherubs they're raising will learn it from the church, and the church thinks the little ones will learn it from their parents. Whose responsibility is it? After seeing how I grew up and raising children of my own I'd say both. Why? Because a parent can "preach" the same thing over and over with it falling on the seemingly deaf ears of their children. The church can repeat these same principles over and over but if it is not reinforced or lived out at home it seems like useless chatter. As my kiddos have gotten older, when the pastor states something during, church service that I've said at home, their eyes get big and they look right at me. The look often says to me, "Wow Mom, you weren't making that up". I am sure by now you're asking, "What does all of this have to do with legalism"? One of the things I learned very little about growing up in a denominational church was why the church believed what they said they believed. I remember, as an early teen, our pastor took over the youth group for a while (usually it was a willing parent). I was excited because I had so many questions that I wanted answered. Instead of getting a proper catechism {(definition) A summary of the principles of Christian religion in the form of questions and answers, used for the instruction of Christians} we got a list of things our church thought were valid "do not's". Some of these well meaning "warning" by laws made it seem that being a faithful follower was an impossible achievement. In doing so, I felt that I could NEVER see Heaven. This is when the catechism information would have come in handy. A list of scripture references backing up the idea that a relationship with Christ is an ongoing process would have been encouraging. I, instead, was left feeling like God could never love a person like me. Knowing such things just led me to see the people in that congregation as being hypocrites. As I have grown up I have been blessed to recognize the gift of discernment. This gift of God has allowed me to work through such issues as I have gotten older. It is definitely a good thing with regards to how my kids are growing, and maturing. Do I feel that you shouldn't have "rules"? No, I am saying however, that you should have good solid bible backed reasons for creating those rules. Back them with multiple scriptures and make sure that it's truly following the reasons you believe something. Let's lift our children up instead of tear them down, build on the positive and gently remind them of the negative. Much the way Christ deals with us as adults. We should also be able to show this same mercy and discretion towards our fellow man, treating people with kindness as Christ did when he walked this earth.
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