Friday, May 16, 2008

My view of today's happenings.

We had a splendid day today. It started slow because it took forever to dry my socks. We then went to a dear friend's home to deliver a second load of cloth diapers that Theo is no longer using. I LOVED watching S's face light up when she saw another 15 diapers walking through her door. I am so happy that I have been able to share this planet saving as well as money saving activity with others. It's also a wonderful way to be a frugal family. Oh the joy.

Then I did something for ME. I went to the gym and rode 1.75 mi on an exercise bike as well as ran .70 miles on a treadmill. Oh then I got on this mountain trekker and did another .725 mi on an uphill climb (that translated to me "hiking" an average of 3.0 mph). I can't say that I am visibly thinner but I do feel better about myself.

***Off topic entry here.....
Now that my thyroid medication has been changed to a natural choice and I am off the Birth control I believe that the weight will begin to come off as well.****

Okay here we go, after the gym it was shower time then we went to dinner with my in law's. Sometimes the time with them is precious and other times it's hard to do. Tonight was fun because my Mother in Law was telling us about how when they were first married she couldn't even boil water. The stories were wonderful and the laughter was even better. What a wonderful way to spend a day.

1 comment:

Amanda Kaake said...

I'm so glad your health is moving in the right direction. Working out that much sounds horrid to! Give me an hour of tai boe (sp?) and I'd be a happy camper. Make that 15 minutes. lol! Ok I need to start doing this asap! I'm so glad you had fun with your mil.