Thursday, May 15, 2008

Our family...

First I believe that it would be best to introduce ourselves to you all. I am Maria a Wife and Mother. I used to be in sales and marketing as well as serve as a state tested home care provider for the elderly. I have held MANY professions before nestling into my role of Wife and Mother.

Throughout the entirety of my life I have been a big supporter of natural remedies as well as believing that Naturopaths absolutely have their place in this world and that big drug companies are really out to get us more often than not.

As I started caring for my children many other ideas took precident over the "norm". Our first No Brainer was to breastfeed the children and nurture them by being close to them. Right along with that came babywearing. Soon after these choices were in full swing, we moved and started Cloth diapering. As you continue to follow this blog you'll learn of our struggles with dairy allergies, defending our position on different choices and showing God's love throughout it all.

1 comment:

Amanda Kaake said...

I'm so glad you got this started. I really look forward to reading more in the future. Take care my dear friend.