Friday, July 11, 2008

How beautiful

It's amazing how beautiful life can be when looking at it through the eyes of a child. The children are happy to see the sun shining each and every morning. The smile and point out the birds in the yard. They marvel at the colors of the cars driving by when we go to and fro....

Sadly here's what we see..

Them: Morning Mommy the sun is shining..
what I see: Ugh, I didn't get enough sleep last night and now I have to start the day

Them: Mom look at that bird isn't it pretty
What I see: YUCK!! That bird just pooped on the car

Them: Hey look at that red PT cruiser
What I see: Hey that car just cut me off and we nearly collided

If for ONE day I could put my situations aside I could enjoy the sunshine, the birds and the colors that people have created.

1 comment:

Amanda Kaake said...

You are so right. This is where re-evaluating comes in. We currently doing it - AGAIN. Glad you can see that. Aren't kids wonderful! We think when we have them that we're going to teach them so much, not realizing how much they in turn teach us.