Monday, June 23, 2008

The things they say.

I love how children figure out new words. They start out with what they percieve in their heads.

Fun examples are listed here....
Scoop (soup)
Meema (Grandma)
NeeNee (Lilly)
Wiwwy (also Lilly)
Bumpoline (Trampoline)
Badetti (spaghetti)

As I remember more of the fun words that my children have come up with I'll post them. I want to keep these in my heart forever.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Something that isn't necessarily easy to deal with or understand but is an important part of our faith. Tests and challenges that try to undo you but with perserverance and prayer can make you a stronger version of yourself. Tests of strength that come in the form of the health issues of your children, monitary struggles, strife with family members. They are ALL ways to test you and make you into a beautiful creature of the LORD's doing. It's amazing what GOD uses to aide us in this journey. Praise him for all he does for us.

Monday, June 16, 2008


We have been so busy this last week. We had my nephew for a week and my niece for the weekend. Not that I don't love the children, BUT I am truly glad that it's back to my children and myself. I am hoping for some breathing room for a while. I was getting tired and not able to sleep well at the same time. I am glad that I can help my siblings, but it's our time now.

We are hoping to get out and do a few things this week just as a family to make up for the lack of time I got with the children last week.

At least the children haven't noticed me being a bit out of sorts because they were playing with their cousins.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Balancing me time with everything else.

This is a tough thing for a lot of people. I am sure many of us have had to cut things out of our day to make sure other things get accomplised. I am keeping up with my workouts. My dishes are staying done on a more regular basis and clothing is staying clean. The next issue is trying to find a place for all the clothing that we have been given for the next years worth of wear for the children. If anybody knows a smart form of storage I am ALL ears.