Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's been a while

I am so happy but busy this time of year. One thing is that most of our debt is GONE!!!! We're getting so close I can taste the freedom. Secondly, birthday season in our home is nearly done. I bought Ted his new golf clubs nearly a week ago for his birthday. Now just to pay for the license plate stickers since they're in his name. The children have been enjoying all the parties and cake though it's not all been easy. They've been dealing with MANY long days and short nights of sleep.

GOD is so good though, he's been providing us with so much. It's hard to fathom that kind of love at times but it's definitely there.

Love you ALL and sorry it's been a while.


Amanda Kaake said...

That's great about debt! We're working hard against ours too. We'll still have the house payment and student loans but the rest should be gone within a year (Lord willing). Great job Maria!

Elizabeth Fisher said...

Ditto, it is truly a wonderful thing when you have no debt.
It is also a relief when you actually have a "birthday season" that has a conclusion! Between our two families and the new additions, we now have a birthday in every month of the year, except December.

Much love!
Keep blogging.