Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Are we living a life of Christ?

Godly living doesn't mean that we simply have our God checklist: I prayed this morning, I didn't get drunk today, I don't smoke, I haven't cussed, I read my bible every day, and I go to church. It also refers to how we treat people, believers and unbelievers. How is Christ revealed in our lives? In what ways do we represent our savior in this world? I think it is more import to be a representative of Christ's attitude, Love, and honesty. Not just taking the time to talk it,but to truly live it; be kind, loving, gentle, meek, and patient. It's not our place to beat people with the bible, or choke them with our beliefs. An excellent example of this is when Jesus speaks with the woman at the well. He spoke with the woman, he spoke gently, he did bring up her present and past. He did address her sins, BUT he did this coming from a place of discernment instead of a place of judgement. That conversation changed her, and the lives of others forever. If we drop the legalism, the judgement, and the show, we can make a change, become organic. We can see God working with utmost power in our lives when we realize that we're not as important as he is We must die to ourselves and let him be in complete control. This allows the spirit to move freely in the lives of others as they witness our daily routine. Let the truth of God be seen and made real in our lives. Let the love of God be seen in our actions, words, and deeds. We need to live the life and not just talk about it. Become the living word of God in the world. Show love, be love and be gentle.

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